Version history

First release (v1.0.0)

Horrible code, still working.
+ Bubble chamber
+ Boson collection
+ Lepton collection

Roadmap release (v1.1.0)

Better code using classes, still working, lots of kinks although.
- Bad bubble chamber
+ Rewritten bubble chamber
+ Particle accelerator
+ Upgraded laboratory
+ Fume hood

Price release (v1.2.0)

Made prices change.
That's it.

Antimatter release (v1.3.0)

Added prestiging/antimatter.
+ Prestiging
+ Positrons

Modding release (v1.4.0)

Added the ability to add custom buildings!
+ Modding
+ Example mod about quantum computing here
+ Mod API here

Quick patches (v1.4.1)

Removed prestige. It was an extremely finicky system, and there wasn't really a point to it.
- Antimatter
- Prestige
- Positrons

Redundancy removal (v1.4.2)

Removed boson & lepton collection. They aren't used for anything. It may be added back in the future for more currnecies if needed, however. Saves should be compatible.
- Boson collection
- Leption collection
- Unclickables

Up quark buildings (v1.4.3)

Adds buildings for up quarks, so now they have a use.
+ Up quark buildings
+ Up quark building modding

Resetting (v1.4.4)

Allows for resetting the game.
+ Resetting

Subsidy modding (v1.4.5)

Allows for modding subsidies the game.
+ Subsidy modding API

Save import/export (v1.5.0)

Allows for exporting and importing your save in a Base64 string.
+ Save import
+ Save export

Ending! (v1.6.0)

Adds an ending, and makes all the machines into jtopia ones.
+ Ending
~ Redid machines

Redesign (v1.7.0)

+ Dark mode
+ Redesign

Prestige (v1.8.0)

First update in forever! Prestige readded and balanced a bit.
+ Prestige

rm -rf subsidies (v1.8.1)

Removed subsidies. There wasn't really a point to them, and they just added to load times.
- Subsidies

Autosaving (v1.8.2)

Added autosaves so that when you close the game, the game saves (excluding game resets).
+ Autosaving on close

Mod repository (v1.8.3)

Make pull requests to request to add mods to the repo!
+ Added a mod repository.

Mediocre mobile support (v1.9.0)

It works, I guess.
+ Much better mobile support, but I still have a lot to make look better.

Buy counter (v1.9.1)

Small steps for QoL.
+ Adds a counter for how many of a thing you will buy.

From jank to grid and more (v1.10.0)

~ Moved from current janky position: absolute-based UI to a grid-based UI via CSS magic.
- Removed bubble chamber. Caused problems with new grid UI, and was ugly.

From crappy performance to acceptable performance (v1.11.0)

Due to some terrible blunders in the countOf function and its terrible performance causing lots of lag, it has been replaced and now we just use objects. Why did I even use that dumb method of countOf? I dunno.
+ Performance upgrade

Internal migration to jtopia-based instead of hardcoded (v1.11.1)

Shifting around some internal stuff to new protocols.
~ Change from hardcoded JS buildings to slightly more flexible JSON ones. This may mess with performance and your later-game buildings. Sorry!

A couple more upgrades (v1.12.0)

+ Added a couple upgrades. What are they? You'll have to find out.

Even a few more upgrades (v1.12.1)

+ Some electron upgrades, to make electrons more viable.
~ Buffed the previously-best building.

Early game upgrades (v1.12.2)

+ Some electron and electron neutrino upgrades so that you can AFK early-game for electrons and electron neutrinos

Prestige shenanigans (v1.12.3)

~ Prestige rebalance